Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Aion : the Tower of Eternity

Aion (Free to play)

Aion is a game of role Online massively multiplayer (MMORPG). The game offers four classes starting: Warrior, Scout, Mage, and Priest. When your character reaches level 10, you must choose between the two specialized classes for your class to start. The flight system is an extension of the main battle Aion. It fits perfectly and the game requires strategy and skill to be fully mastered.


The system PvPvE reflects the constant reversals of the game you'll have to fight multiple enemies. In the Abyss, you will need to create temporary alliances with players from the opposing faction to face a race of fearsome creatures, Balaur.


  1. And to work, boring day began, oh, my God! A friend recommended I play this games aion kinah, do not know fun or not fun. Alas! Who fun game message to me. Thank you!



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