Wednesday, October 28, 2009

For best search results on Google

Since Search Engines current not have intelligence of a human , it is to you, the user, to know good ways to get the best results in your searches.

Avoid your research in natural language

I want a restaurant on the city of Paris is not the ideal way to launch a search of this type. The words (a, on, the, of) are too current for bring whatever it is your search , and Pose a risk to parasitize results, The words "I" "City" and "search" does absolutely nothing for this search and may also interfere the results. A simple restaurant paris is preferable.

Search to answers, no searching With questions

Should we drink Juice? you back 3 times less that answers should drink Juice.Try to imagine how the writers of the articles have made their sentences and type in a search as close as possible to the answer you want to find. This simple tip will have a tremendous impact on the quality results you will provide the engines.

Use the quotes "yor search"

The quotation marks allow you to search for an exact phrase:

"USA Cars" takes you back only the pages containing the phrase USA car as is. You can combine in a single search phrases in quotation marks and words without quotation marks. For example:
"USA car" "with airbags" Used .Note: the double set of quotation marks for "USA car" and "with airbags" This formulation will allow you, for example, to find pages containing USA car Used proposed with airbags.

You can use the character * as a wildcard in quotation marks:
"*buy best car" you back the pages containing Cheapest place to buy Best Car and more, those containing Compare Prices and Buy best car By more seizing after * you can search on phrases which you d'not know more words:

"road****USA" you back the pages containing road trips throughout the USA and Canada! and road trip guide to the USA ...

Use the minus sign (-)

The sign - you can eliminate the undesirable results:

love -sex -sexy you back all the pages containing love except pages containing love and sex or sexy Warning! the sign - must be glued to the word you want to remove the search results.

Do your research to 3 words (at least)

70% of searches are performed with only 2 keywords. This is unfortunate because it usually takes at least 3 words to define both the search and context.
Tennis competition results will bring you results very different tennis results.
Your research should be built as in this example:

- Tennis defined context. We might even try a sport tennis to be sure to remove the tennis shoes.
- Competition defined a sub-context (affine context)
- Set the search results itself

To find the context and in context, simply ask yourself the question "what?" : Results of what? Competition for what?

Look for synonyms with the sign ~

As says the famous joke :
Google will find pages containing Marriage and compatibility with a research ~Love
The sign ~ is obtained by hitting the 2 key (above the keyboard) by pressing Alt Gr key. Release everything and then tap on the spacebar to see the sign appear.

Note the sign ~ to be glued to the word you want to search for synonyms.
In the same vein, you can also use the sign | which corresponds to or "Veteran | Vietnam soldier" You will find all pages containing the Vietnam veteran or soldier of Vietnam.
This trick is very useful when your search includes words whose spelling is generally poorly controlled.
Zhorse | zorse | zebrulevous can find all the pages talking about this strange animal from a cross between a zebra and a horse.

The symbol | is obtained by hitting the 6 key (above the keyboard) by pressing Alt Gr key.

Search for a particular file type :

It is sometimes useful to limit results to a particular document type. You can search for Flash animations, Word documents, Excel and Powerpoint, and many others.

To restrict your search to one type of file, simply add the command filetype: followed by the extension of the type of files to search.

The types of files you can specify:


Adobe Portable Document Format





wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku

Lotus 1-2-3


Lotus WordPro




Microsoft Write






Rich Text Format





wks, wps, wbd


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