Tuesday, November 3, 2009

BlackBerry 9520 Storm2 RIM

The BlackBerry Storm2 in November 2 Several changes to the menu: Arrival of Wi-Fi, fixed screen and new operating system is version 5.0.

The wireless connection used by RIM for Storm2 not revolutionary because it's just Wi-Fi 802.11b/g. It is no less welcome for those who may not have in their package operator access to all services via data link, and even more that 3.5 billion of the Storm is not original a lightning war: the 400 Mbit/s are rarely exceeded.

Exit the mobile screen, hello «Electronic Suspension» With Storm2 is also a new version of touch screen, the system Sure Press screen mobile Storm left her place at Sure Press new formula that works on the principle of «Electronic Suspension», according to the terms of RIM. The Revolutionary Storm screen and click feeling will thus passed into the dustbin of history of high-tech.

The new screen is fixed but distinguishes the touch (select) support (to open or run a program). Furthermore, the typing allows a slight recovery: clearly, you can press a second letter before the first totally free, and multitouch, which allows you to select a particular list of items is always the party.

Latest innovation, the upgrade to version 5.0 of BlackBerry OS. If the presentation changes little from the version (4.7), we expect the new system of performance superior web browsing, and the use of widgets and improvements on the scroll. All applications developed for the Storm will be compatible with the Storm2.

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