Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Navigon 8450 Live (GPS)

Navigon Announces GPS connected and more Traffic information and warning radar in real time, true 3D navigation and media player: the Navigon 8450 promises.

Brushed aluminum hull, GPRS, 3D view, mapping of 40 countries and 600 MHz processor ... No doubt, the 8450 edition Via Michelin GPS is the new top of range Navigon. And this is not his big screen capacitive 5 inches (12.7 cm diagonal) that say otherwise. Recall that the technology that we know well on the iPhone, has a sensitivity to the amazing score.

Moving quickly on ergonomic software, because - at this level - everything is there: for 2D/3D display and enunciation of street names (text to speech), Bluetooth technology for their calls hands free or functions home and lane guidance for real or highway exits.

The 8450 plays the same media player as it is capable of playing MP3, photos and video. TNT module is also offered as an option (at a price not given). No question as to watch his movies while driving, because the image is cut off when a movement is detected. The most interesting innovations, however, cover the part called Live and GPRS and effort devoted to 3D.

GPS connected

Traffic Live, Mobile Radar Traps Live Wheater Live Local Search and Google are some services available on this new high of range GPS.

Respectively, they inform you in real-time traffic conditions, throw, always in real time, alerts, radar, give you the weather of your destination and you can find points of interest (POI) with the engine Google search. With this one, is accessed directly from the GPS to a database of POIs not referenced by the card providers (Navteq and TeleAtlas). It thus becomes possible to find the address and telephone number of the florist or the corner drugstore.

Let us look at the large piece of Live service, traffic information and warning radar. Like Service TomTom HD Traffic, opened with the GO 940 Live, manufacturer Navigon announces the GPS that can make you avoid traffic jams thanks to a GPRS connection that downloads real-time information on traffic conditions. To recall, the HD Traffic TomTom relies particularly on the community of users with a TomTom GPS Live and a partnership with SFR.

Navigon's strengths are a partnership with T-Mobile to send data via GPRS, fleets of carriers plying the Europe that serve as reference vehicles for traffic information but also an association with INRIX and Coyote System. The first is presented as a leader in traffic information in real time, at least in the United States. For Europe, development is underway.

With Coyote, the partnership does for the moment that the traffic information reserved for premium products. When asked "What about radar? "Navigon no hesitation in saying that this will happen soon. Trivial matter of paperwork or not, it does not tell us about the exact date when this service becomes available. In the meantime we must rely on the service Navigon Mobile Radar Traps Live, which uses community Navigon, but not only.

People who purchase a connected GPS can indicate the presence of a mobile radar in real time. To these will be added in a second time, users of the TomTom software on the iPhone, which will also share with the community alerts. A trend to follow as this option becomes available later in November, when the update for version 1.3 software for iPhone. A service that will still pay (the price is not yet fixed). To follow, so ...

I ride with 3D maps

The 3D is also important in the Navigon 8450 with 3D City View mode. Not only the terrain is visible and monuments are displayed in 3D, but the route is on a mapping itself fully modeled in three dimensions. No vulgar blocks placed on the sides but schematizations buildings with their colors, their textures (bricks, etc..) And the markings.

Asked about the resources (CPU power, graphics circuit, memory, etc..) Necessary to maintain smooth navigation, the manufacturer replied simply that his unit already has a graphic chip, a processor of 600 MHz and 4 GB of internal memory and that is enough to rotate the 3D maps. For the moment.

Pay for updated maps

Latest big advantage that this camera's high of range Navigon: Offer FreshMaps. Also within 30 days after the first use of GPS, it is possible to take this offer, which gives access to a quarterly update of the maps of Europe, for 19.95 euros for two years, eight updates. After this period of 30 days, the option is charged 99 euros.

The Navigon 8450 will be available in late October at 499 euros with a free three month service connected. Those who want a high end device but without Live service will buy the Navigon 8410 for € 499.90. It is possible to buy later, the GPRS module to access the Live services, with 99 euros.

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