Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The update of Ubuntu

Ubuntu: update aroused discontent from some users

According to a survey published on the Ubuntu forum, the transition from version 9.04 a version 9.10 would cause problems for a majority of Internet users. Results to qualify.

Beware of digits. This is the case with a survey conducted and published on the Ubuntu forum, just after the release of version 9.10 of the Linux distribution in late October.

If one believes the opinion of some 3 040 people who responded, installation or migration to this new version would have caused a lot of obstacles. They are nearly 66% recognize that they have encountered problems more or less important as a result of installing or updating the system (since version 9.04 of Ubuntu). 34% even claim that these problems were numerous and intractable.

The survey has raced around the community after being picked up by sites The Register and Information Week which give a negative assessment of the arrival of Ubuntu 9.10,Aliases «Karmic Koala» .

But these figures are misleading. «It is clear that if we ask users who are just a forum for finding solutions to their problems they have had problems with their distribution it seems obviously they respond yes», grade Nicolas Barcet , responsible for business servers of the company Canonical, the official sponsor of Ubuntu.

The results of this survey would be the average of those made in previous versions of the operating system. And Ubuntu does not pose more problems than other GNU / Linux distributions.

Real problems

Paradoxically, these concerns should not put off the less experienced users. «From experience, the updates are going better for them. The more the user likes to tweak his system, the less likely it is that the migration of an Ubuntu release to another is going well» said Olivier Fraysse Party convener of Ubuntu, these gatherings during which novices can learn the OS and leave with an installed distribution.

But some problems are real. «Some elements of hardware are problematic under the GNU / Linux because of the non-open drivers by manufacturers» adds Nicolas Barcet citing the case of Nvidia graphics cards, the Broadcom wireless card or the Intel GMA 500 for which the maker has not released the code as open source.

Under Ubuntu, all bugs encountered will be fixed in the month. «In fact, there is not enough people to test beta versions. If they were as numerous as the final version, the bugs have been fixed on time» said Nicolas Barcet. Rest assured that even the most popular system, Windows, also known failures in the release of a new edition.

Read more about Ubuntu in this book

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