Saturday, July 31, 2010

LTN-220 Tokai

The Tokai NTA-220, a digital tuner that records on flash
Go digital recorder with this tuner TNT and media gateway offered by Tokai less than 40 $.

Tokai markets the LTN-220, a product designed for owners of good old analog TVs, without wishing to digital television, without changing position. This tuner has therefore make high-definition. It is Mpeg-2 (PAL broadcast in 720 x 576 pixels) and its connectivity is limited to a SCART output. The LTN-220 is not yet a product devoid of interest.

Freeview tuner, recorder and media player
Like the combination TV-DVD player LTL-1413th of the same brand, this tuner offers numerous functions that are practical and popular with users. The first is the registration of DTT USB key or external hard drive. The recordings are in MPEG-2 and can then be operated on a computer.

The LTN-220 also uses this interface to play media files. Also from the USB port, it reads the MP3 or WAV audio files, JPEG photos or DivX videos.

The LTN-220 is already available in stores at a price of 40 $.

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