Thursday, July 29, 2010

Motorola makes fun of the iPhone 4 in advertising

Motorola has obviously not tried to be on the special page of Apple, which aims to show that all smartphones, not just the iPhone 4, suffering from a reception problem depending on how you take them in hand . The Droid X of the U.S. will figure prominently alongside the iPhone 4, the BlackBerry Bold 9700 or the Samsung Omnia II.

Motorola has begun to attack-cons, by offering a full page in The New York Times (among others) to openly mock his opponent (see image cons). «No jacket required», is it standard or, in the context: «No need to holster». Allusion to the protective shell, Apple offers or refund until September, supposedly solve the seeds of receipt.

«At Motorola, we believe that the customer does not dress up his phone to work normally.Therefore, the Droid X presents with a dual antenna. The kind that helps keep the phone as you wish, to receive crystal clear calls without the need for a bulky case. »

He added: « For us, this is one of those things that is obvious when you are making mobile phones for 30 years.» As they say in sports:«It sends heavy.» It now awaits the response from Apple, who did not hesitate to reply to ads from Microsoft («I'm a PC») in small movies ironic, like this:

One thing is certain: the war of smartphones, ordiphones is declared ...

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