Friday, August 27, 2010

Facebook coward IE6 to improve its software chat

In the realignment of its chat software, social network will cease to support some browsers, including Internet Explorer 6. The measure will come into force on 15 September, Facebook announced. On that date, users of IE6 can no longer chat with their friends.

The community site promises major changes in his Instant Messenger in the coming weeks, including more stability during the chat sessions. Support for Microsoft's browser, 9 years old, was a hindrance to these improvements, says Facebook.

This is not the only one to think. For months, the world of Internet campaigning to eradicate the use of IE6, accused of slowing the development of the Web. Google did not hesitate to take drastic action, announcing the beginning of 2010 as updates to its flagship services, Google Docs and YouTube, to pass Microsoft's browser.

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