Sunday, December 19, 2010

Google Body Browser

Body Browser: a Google Earth of the human body, and soon

Gadget for medical students, high school and hypochondriacal, Body Browser allows you to walk in a human body to visualize, by selection, muscles, organs, vascular system, etc.. But what does Web service currently works only on experimental versions of both browsers.

After the Earth, the oceans, the Moon, Mars and the sky, Google crawls the human body. An online application, Body browser, in fact offered to scrutinize from every angle and depth, a comely young woman. She appears at the bottom and a command similar to the Google Earth rotates in
all directions. Similarly, the mouse wheel zoom is used.

A side slider, move up and down, given the choice between six different: the outer body, muscles, skeleton, organs, vasculature (blood
vessels and lymphatic) and nervous system.

A demonstration of Body Browser. © Google / Noobformua, Youtube

Usable with the latest Firefox and Chrome beta

Clicking on an element of the show is his name. As a navigation
tool, you can also type a name to see the relevant place or show an abundance of labels. You can go from one view to another (with escalation) or by overlay. In the sidebar, the cursor disappears only for the benefit of six buttons to move from left to right. They display each view with a more or less saturation. One can, for example to display the muscular system significantly and appear to do just the skeleton.

For now, the service is in English ... and is not available to everyone. It is indeed base don the GUI WebGL, a competitor to Flash version free software, that current browsers do not recognize. Chrome 9 will do (it is in the 8), as well
as Firefox 4. But both are already in beta (and therefore not finalized) and are available for download. Promised in 2011, it will all browsers.

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