Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yoo Digital iWip 500

Yoo Digital iWip 500 a vacuum cleaner cheap and versatile

Yoo Digital has launched there's little robot vacuum iWip 500. This device will become a real home homemaker with its multiple functions. Because the robot iWip 500 sucks, but it can also shine and sanitize your floors.

Yoo Digital iWip 500

The French company Yoo Digital upsides the small world of robot vacuums with the new model iWip 500, a smart little robot measuring 35 cm in diameter and 10.5 cm in height. Although this unit is not part of the most advanced models, this little robot stands out for its multiple functions and especially with his ability to work on all soil types. This will indeed be equally efficient on tiles on the carpet or floor.

Vacuum Cleaner Features iWip 500

The robot vacuum iWip 500 is effective thanks to its powerful and complete cleaning. It takes effect in a MOP that allows not only aspire but also clean and polish at the same time. Flexible due to its compact size and its various cleaning methods, this robot will remove all the unwanted dust in every corner of your apartment or your house cleaning your floors along walls, spiral or straight. It may also decommission each time your home with its anti bacterial integrated UV lamp.

Advanced detection system

The vacuum iWip 500 Aboard detection technology art. This unit is in fact equipped with an infrared sensor embedded in the bumper to avoid any unfortunate collision. Stair Avoidance Detector His system allows him to bypass the stairs and avoid bad falls. For the rest, this vacuum comes with virtual walls with which you can define a specific area to clean.

Talk of the vacuum iWip 500

Like the Roomba vacuum cleaner or Samsung, vacuuming Yoo Digital iWip 500 provides various cleaning cycles independently. This model against sin by its minimal autonomy than an hour and fifteen minutes, ensured by the integrated battery 2000 mA. This unit can still cover up to 120 square meters (wood, linoleum, tile or carpet). Once the battery depleted, this vacuum cleaner robot only return to base to recharge (allow 3 hours for a full charge).

Advanced System Programming

The robot vacuum iWip 500 enjoys an advanced scheduling system whereby the camera will take care of all the tedious chores during your absence. Using the supplied remote you can program the various phases of your vacuum cleaning robot to seven days in advance. You can thus go on a weekend or vacation in peace without having to worry about housework when you return.

A robot vacuum cleaner cheap

Despite its flaws, the robot vacuum Yoo Digital iWip 500 will provide unprecedented comfort thanks to its multiple functions of cleaning, all at a reduced price. Supplied with a spare brush S, this vacuum is indeed available from $ 300, a price which ranks among the cheapest vacuums in its class.

Yoo Digital iWip 500

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