Saturday, February 11, 2012

What will change in our TVs in 2012 /1/11 the 4K

Presented at CES in Las Vegas as the unavoidable successors are in our current HD flat screens, televisions 4K are not close to invest yet our living rooms.

While the Blu-ray, standard bearer of the video and film high definition, has all the trouble to win the general public the manufacturers would have us believe - to blows the first prototypes of demonstration in major exhibitions around the world - as TV 4K soon replace our current full HD televisions. It depends what they mean by "soon". For these TVs "high definition" will still be a few years of loss leaders, technology showcases designed to spread the know-how of manufacturers in the eyes of the world. For two main reasons.

The 4K is only of interest as "very big screen"

Mitsubishi WD-92840 92-Inch

First, culturally, The figures show, in fact, that in the Hexagon, they are essentially small televisions that people buy (26 to 40 inches). But for that 4K resolution (4096 x 2160 pixels) to make sense, we need a large display area: 60 inches minimum, or 152 inches diagonally for a TV. And again. The perfect place to enjoy the gain in pixels (four times more than the Full HD mode), it is obviously the video projection. This is also the source for digital cinema that 4K was developed.

This gives scope for larger screens without loss of definition and it also helps viewers to be closer to the screen without the pixel structure is visible. Sony and JVC are already offering home theater projectors with 4K an starting bet of 9,237.88 USD (for JVC DLA-X70). That said, for now, this market remains confidential and is confined to a few private facilities very upscale.

Where are the sources native 4K?


Second, there are no 4K sources. No. Neither Blu-ray or via satellite (although in both cases, it is technically possible), the optical fiber, ADSL and DTT still less. Fortunately, there is YouTube that hosts some trailers and short films in 4K. Useless to tell you it takes some for the read speed (well, a graphics card and monitor ad hoc), because they are extremely heavy. Sony and LG will however do everything possible to accelerate the development of a new type of Blu-ray 4K with the first models could appear in late 2013. And who says new type of Blu-ray, we mean a new readers.

Which pleads in favor of the two manufacturers is that today more and more movies are shot at 4K. Among them: The Social Network, The Reef, Contagion, Pirates 4, Fright Night, The Amazing Spiderman and the highly anticipated The Hobbit: an unexpected journey. Still, all this will not weigh very heavily in a library (such as Blu-ray 3D). But we must begin somewhere. Manufacturers have jumped the gun and will now incorporate some of their devices, a system for inflating upscaling in 4K, HD sources. This is already the case on some Onkyo amps and 4K projectors Sony and JVC, and it will happen also on the new amps A / V and Yamaha on the Blu-ray player Sony BDP-S790.

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