Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The New (Software Development Kit) SDK SMSC Jukeblox ® 3.1

Associated with the new module Wi-Fi ® CX875 Microchip AirPlay ® solution is the easiest and most economical ...

Microchip announces the launch of his platform connectivity Wi-Fi ® latest generation SMSC JukeBlox ®, with the software development kit (SDK) JukeBlox ® 3.1-APP (reference JB3.1-AAP), associated with the CX875, new module Wi-Fi This extension of the platform Jukeblox offers a level of highly integrated connectivity, combined with a Wi-Fi module CX875 fully certified at the best price available, featuring the new network media player (NMP) DM875 economic and 8MB SDRAM, up to to 20% reduction in system costs. These savings and simplicity of use, platform JukeBlox latest generation creates a new category of wireless systems AirPlay ®-compatible audio transmission for an attractive selling price 149 USD.

Through technology simplified setup of Wi-Fi « Connect JB » from Microchip, and the simplicity of the network setting on iOS Apple this extension of the technology becomes JukeBlox the most intuitive and easiest to date to create products AirPlay. Due to these settings easy and improvements in terms of performance and Wi-Fi system startup time, streaming Wi-Fi is gaining stability and improves the user experience in general. The latest generation platform JukeBlox Microchip also provides compatibility with the new iOS 6 and iPhone ® 5 and fits perfectly into their playback and control AirPlay streaming music.

The new Wi-Fi module from Microchip CX875 is based on the new network media player (NMP) from Microchip, the SMSC DM875. His heart triple processor incorporates a DSP which, thanks to new software DSP JB 2.0, allows the processing of digital signals and thus provides better audio performance. For example, it allows enhanced bass and acoustic optimization built, which helps reduce system costs by passing of a additional DSP. Moreover, thanks to a quick start function, the starting time elapsing between JP mode off and total phase « operational and connected » are reduced to only 5 to 10 seconds, the fastest time of CE products connected Wi-Fi available in the market. This solution fully certified Wi-Fi reduces development risks, facilitates the production and accelerates time-to-market through sub-systems Wi-Fi and RF totally integrated and many pre-standard certifications.

The software development kit (SDK) JB3.1-AAP is also compatible with the existing modules of the CX870 series, as well as the production kit MK2 previously announced, which is a platform / system reference station for audio Wi-Fi Economic totally integrated. The SDK JB3.1-AAP offers application programming interfaces improved (APIs) and tools simplify the development and customization. Many new parameters can be changed via JB3.1 updates and so profitable customer investment by extending the compatibility of existing product platforms. The SDK offers core libraries that manage the higher software layers, middleware for multimedia streaming, access to content, navigation system and control configuration files function remote control, and many more.

JukeBlox platform continues to offer a full range of audio codecs, Internet radio protocols, popular music applications, a large number of connectivity options as well as all major interoperability standard. JukeBlox also includes updated firmware for integrated security to deploy over time new features directly to the final consumer, but that it must change device. Samples of CX875 equipped JB3.1-AAP are available now; production orders will be open from December 2013.

For more information, visit the Microchip at website 

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