Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Gamepad The Prototype Of Wii-U In Photo

In the recent interview between developers and the CEO of Nintendo, were given some information about the creation of the gamepad for Wii-U. You have to start somewhere, and Nintendo is not actually gone on to create new bases their Wii-U. Difficult to change at all when you want to provide backward compatibility games between the two generations of consoles, but then to associate a Wiimote screen, it was daring. And yet, the project's initial Gamepad Wii-U was moving rather like a strange combination of two pairs of Wiimote + nunchuck, a screen and a gyroscope.
Wii U Gamepad
Wii U Gamepad
Finally the project was tipped for the 3DS, the portable Nintendo console to incorporate a gyroscope in what was originally planned. The development of the 3DS being too advanced to modify the components could not take advantage of it. However, the orientation of the prototype to the 3DS has revived the idea of ​​offering a second screen players, including platforms show. Finally, in view of the first tests, the actual result will have undergone a facelift.

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