Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Magic Trackpad Apple

After the Magic Mouse, Apple offers the Magic trackpad For some, the touch pad would come to replace mouse and trackball. Especially when he wears this design!

The latest Apple mouse, the Magic Mouse, had hit the headlines. Some considered it genius, while others felt that ergonomics was completely missed. Rest of the certainty that the control interface in multidrop made its way. As proof, many touchpads laptops, Macs and PCs alike, have become commonplace.

With the Magic Trackpad, Apple offers a multi-touch pad the same width and with the same inclination as a wireless keyboard for iMacs. And that is perfectly suited to the aesthetics of sculpted aluminum computer.

Multipoint and Wireless
The interest of a wide touchpad trackpad is like the Magic, of course, allow the user to reproduce the gestures which he is accustomed to his laptop. He can indulge in zoom by pinching, scrolling to gently or inertia, and rotation with two fingers ...

For more freedom of movement, the wireless device is powered by a battery, housed in the cylinder at the rear of the device. Trackpad Magic is now available at a price of 90 USD.

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