Monday, July 26, 2010

Pavilon dv6-3086sf hp

The HP dv6 chose the power at the expense of autonomy
The collection of the back of HP is already there. Here is a rather well-born 15-inch, very attractive in her dress metal.

With the dv series, HP does not make concessions. Certainly, the goal is not to make shade for very exclusive Envy, boiled aluminum and magnesium, but the manufacturer has put the dishes in the major. Version in "metal finish" of dv6-3086sf, we have received, we made a strong impression. HP claims to have this laptop with the "display technology, audio and video the most innovative. In the firing line, advanced multimedia served by signed Altec Lansing speakers and especially a very powerful configuration, allowing even a bit of tu video games.

Design, this notebook is definitely HP. Witness the bottom of the frame with smooth contours and rounded edges. It is a fact, the elegance of this machine is obvious. With a touch cold, metallic brushed aluminum, engraving of the hood and palm rest, which offers a texture as pleasing to the eye as touch, this dv6 this well. It has style, one senses immediately that its design is made to flatter its owner, but without shedding a second in ostentation. The question is how the metal coating, which covers the plastic shell, ages.

Side keyboard, dv6 not escape the way the buttons are separate and that is not a bad thing. We regret that it is not illuminated, while the HP logo on the lid is, which does not do anything! Also, be aware that the finishing touches on the left are not the "Ctrl" "Shift" and "Tab" but usual media controls. Just do it, but the provisions of fancy buttons are never a good thing.

The pointing device is a multi-pad large enough (10.5 x 6.5 cm), texture rather pleasant and especially with two clicks mechanical right and left, invisible in the first glance. It is the whole device that tilts. Fortunately, clicking through a simple tap is always possible, the real clicks need to support strong enough, which is tiring in the long run!

A portable reaction

If one were to venture a comparison with the aircraft, this HP v6 is not a rocket, but already a jet reaction. The Intel Core i7 720QM, though only running at 1.60 GHz, with a score of 5100 points on PC Mark Vantage, approximates the kind of processor i3 - whose frequency is higher by almost 1 GHz.

With the ATI Radeon HD 5650 and its 1 GB of dedicated graphics memory, the 3D is no exception. Warning, this phone is not like "gamer", but the 3500 points obtained in 3D Mark will have to play the recent titles, even the lower level options. Especially as the native resolution of the screen (1366 x 768 pixels) is not insurmountable and will still benefit performance of the graphics card chosen.

Multimedia comfortable

In terms of multimedia use, the LED panel has a fairly good uniformity and contrast rather satisfactory, even though blacks are a little lacking in depth and viewing angles are rather tight. Say this screen, if you are not careful, will tend to burn white.

As for sound, the Altec Lansing "Dolby Advanced Audio" are nothing exceptional, but use intelligently the phenomenon of reverberation of the support on which stands the notebook, such as an office. Suddenly, the sound gained a little body and depth, but this is the sound of a laptop ...

Talk mast

If we were to retain any defect in this dv6, it would surely autonomy. The latter does not exceed one hour and 45 minutes in our standard test conditions. Worse, the user will have no choice but to lug a power supply of 750 g, or a big black cinder.

Between power and autonomy, HP has selected the first. Offering performance audio and video of good quality, but excel in any field, laptop dv6 seduced by its beautiful finish and comfortable computing power.

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