Monday, December 13, 2010

The mouse of the future

It captures your movements so you can play, work, go on the Internet ...

Want to control your PC as a gaming console? The startup has created a mouse Movea which reproduces on screen the movement of your wrist, which can be moved in all directions. The range of special effects (pointer, highlighter, stamp, curtain down, zoom ...) works by activating the keys, especially the mouse fits each working world (presentation, Internet, multimedia ...).

We can tag a web page or a PowerPoint document.
Cocorico! This innovative tool is marketed by a French start-up. Technology has in fact been developed by U.S. company Gyration, a pioneer in motion capture, which was acquired by Thomson (now Technicolor) in 2004, then by the French in 2007 Movea. This offshoot of the CEA, based on the scientific campus of Grenoble Minatec, achieved in 2009 12 million USD turnover.

mouse of the future

We like: design, comfort, wealth of functions.

We regret: some time to memorize everything.
The USB module beyond.
They are: Air Mouse Elite, $ 133. A wireless mouse with a range of 30 meters, 3 buttons and 80 programmable functions to manage a media-player or a television connected to a PC.

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