Monday, December 13, 2010

A new iPad preparation 2011

Apple has chosen suppliers for its next shelf, which could be equipped with two cameras.

Suppliers of components for the iPad prepare for arrival of a new multimedia tablet from Apple, said on Friday close to the matter. According to these sources, the new iPad will be especially equipped with two cameras, one in front, allowing video telephony functions. Another source indicates that the iPad will also thinner, lighter and have a screen with better resolution.

Wintek Corp., a manufacturer of components for touch screens, Simplo Technology Co, a manufacturer of batteries, and AVY Precision, a designer shell for various electronic products, are among the providers of the next iPad, have identified four sources familiar with the situation
. Two of these sources added that these providers, some of which already deliver components to the current Apple iPad, would enter a new cycle of production from the first quarter of 2011 for the next tablet. According to two sources, Genius Electronic Optical and Largan Precision, two specialists of cameras and camera lenses for electronic products, have also forged an agreement with Apple. But these sources were unable to specify which device is intended that agreement.

April 2011

«Investing in stocks related to Apple will be a major issue for most of next year,» said Bevan Yeh, a fund manager at Prudential Securities Investment Trust, whose portfolio consists of securities of OEMs,
approximately $ 175 million. «Apple remains the main driver in most products and technology will help its suppliers to increase their profits even more in 2011.» The iPad would represent about 70% of 60 million tablets to be passed in the world in 2011, said in a note through SinoPac Securities.

«It seems credible that suppliers deliver their components to begin in February,» said Steven Tseng, an analyst at RBS, based in Taipei.
«I think Steve Jobs will announce the new product in January and we should see him arrive in stores in April,» he added. Apple declined to comment on this information, as suppliers mentioned. ISuppli estimated in July that Apple would sell 12.9 million this year iPad and 36.5 million in 2011, representing a market share of 84%, far from that of manufacturers like Dell, Acer and Research in Motion, who have just unveiled their own shelves.

A new iPad preparation 2011

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