Friday, January 7, 2011

Kodak PlayFull

playfull, a new pocket camcorder from Kodak
With playfull, Kodak is more compact than the Mino, while offering 1080p HD videoand a retractable USB connector.

Kodak PlayFull

Kodak just introduced its new for 2011 at the Consumer Electronics Show. Both models thus joining the already wide range of handheld camcorders from the manufacturer. Slim and stylish, the play full is distinguished by its sharing features -now accessible through a simple Share button - which are facilitated by the presence of a retractable USB connector: a device that seems inspired by that of Flip Mino. A new version of waterproof camcorder PlaySport also sees the day. Called ZX5, thismodel is resistant to shocks and to acquire a share button.

Program, 1080p HD video and 5 Megapixel photos

The playfull as PlaySport ZX5 filming in HD 1080p and photographed in 5megapixels. The first displays a screen of 3.8 inches diagonally, while the second sees wider (5.1 cm). Their internal memory of 128 MB (20 MB dedicated storage)requires purchasing an SDHC card (up to 32 GB) for recording pictures and video. Sites with which it is possible to automatically share his masterpieces are numerous(Facebook, Flickr, Kodak Gallery or YouTube for the best known).

Kodak PlayFull

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