Friday, January 7, 2011

Motorola Xoom

Motorola Xoom, the reference shelf for Honeycomb
Powerful, Xoom has Android 3.0 Shelf. A reference used by Google to promote its OS.

With its first tablet unveiled Android at CES, Motorola hits
a great blow. The Xoom, which will be marketed in the first
quarter of 2011 by the U.S. operator Verizon is distinguished by
many points.

3.0 running Android - the Google OS for tablet - it
integrates a large multi-touch screen of 10.1 inches (more than 25
inches diagonally in a definition of 1280 x 800 pixels)
Aboard the Dual Core processor at 1 GHz Tegra2 Nvidia with 1 GB

No Wi-Fi, LTE, DLNA, HDMI ... nothing has been forgotten

No Wi-Fi and 3G (in its American version CDMA) to access
Web ease, Xoom may log the time comes to 4G network
LTE through a simple update. Incorporating the latest
Google services, and developments (such as Google or the latest eBooks
Version 5.0 Maps embedding 3D views), this tablet supports
Adobe Flash version 10.1. Finally, compatible DLNA and HDMI
it is not left behind in the multimedia field.

Incorporating a five-megapixel image sensor capable of shooting in HD 720p
the Xoom plays video up to 1080p. Better yet, it has a
two-megapixel webcam on the front for video chat (through Google
Talk for example). Expandable with an SD card, internal memory is
32 GB

In spite of this equipment shock, Motorola Xoom is fine
relatively small (1.3 cm thick for 730 grams) while
his screen occupies most of the front a little in the way of
Defy smartphone. The tablet should be among the main
competing iPad. It has also been used for
Honeycomb demonstrations.

Motorola Xoom

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