Thursday, July 7, 2011

Forza Motorsport 4

Star of the E3 booth last Microsoft, Forza Motorsport 4 was almost immediately ended the event in California, flew to Europe and especially Cannes. It was at the IDEF, last week, we found the car simulation Turn 10, ready to unfold in a more relaxed atmosphere in Los Angeles. Here are our first impressions in writing, after a short presentation followed by a few (too short) minutes of play.

Forza Motorsport 4

"Forza" "Race"

Started the first name on Xbox in 2005, the Forza Motorsport franchise has gradually installed in the gaming landscape and in the hearts of players as the only real alternative to Gran Turismo on consoles. More regular, but also more timely than its eternal rival, it already is preparing to spend the fourth with a new episode a priori not really revolutionary. Yet he immediately promised compatibility Kinect necessarily very popular in the first-party games for the Xbox 360. It comes first with a dedicated mode visibly close to the Forza Kinect we discovered at E3 2010, but with voice recognition (which will normally be arriving in France this fall). In Forza 4 it will especially easy navigation in menus, it is true, sometimes quite crowded. By saying "Forza" and "Race", it will be possible to run a race since the party customization of the vehicle, for example - so no need to return several screens back.

Forza Motorsport 4

In the lot, however, is that head tracking will receive more attention. This feature has unfortunately not been made, but recall, however, it will direct the camera in play by moving the upper body / head to look around in the race. It is certainly not really ever seen in a racing simulation (the system of NaturalPoint TrackIR does the same thing for ages on the PC with a sensor / infrared sensor), but there Kinect find a real interest for fans of racing simulation while improving even more immersion. During the race, it will also always provided by cockpit views very successful, at least on the two models we have taken in hand: a Ferrari 599 and a Subaru Impreza. I must say that Forza Motorsport 4 promises a quality vehicle modeling high fly, and to be convinced, simply proceed to the mode Autovista or Car Porn for friends. If so.

Forza Motorsport 4

It affects the eyes

This will, among both races, to approach the different vehicles offered in the game (we are promised more than 80 manufacturers and more models in Forza Motorsport 3 which were approximately 400, but also more Muscle Cars .. .) and to look from every angle. Open the doors and slip behind the wheel of the last Aston Martin to enjoy the stitching of its bucket seats, lift the hood to see the red Ferrari V12 599 or kneel in front of his wheels and brake calipers. .. This mode Autovista we (re) the dealer did it at home, hoping that the whole is accompanied by numerous data and / or anecdotes on the models in question, to make an encyclopedia. The value of the thing can seem altogether rather relative, but she puts her finger on another important element of Forza Motorsport 4: its plastic widely seen since the third episode.

One circuit was proposed (and playable) in this demo: an imaginary route in the Alps, which allowed most to rinse the eye and take a good boufée of fresh air in the process. For if the models had something to bluff in the menus, the sets are no exception. You could enjoy the snow capped mountains larger than life in the second plan, all accompanied by a chorus of engines, of course, but also light. And this is all the difference according to Turn 10 (in addition to a number of polygons revised upward course): This episode features a new dynamic lighting system, which magnifies the surroundings. In addition, cars are also subject to the same light in. The result: more than ever, the cars seem to be one with the sets, then they can sometimes seem "added" in previous episodes. And the final result speaks for itself: simply beautiful, and with an animation and a solid frame rate to boot. "Wow."

Ferrari vs Subaru

Gameplay side, if five minutes of play (the controller) do not really get a real idea of ​​piloting the title and its possible developments over Forza Motorsport 3 will be noted, however, a grip similar to the latter and this, with all the audience off. It is already reassuring in itself braking remain accurate and require a lot of skill, acceleration still require the grade with the most powerful models, while the mass transfers are waiting to be tamed with a direction that meets the finger and the eye. In short, we quickly found its brands and a very different behavior between the two cars available, and it is normal, they are not really in the same category and not using the same type of transmission (for propulsion the Ferrari 599 and 4x4 for the Subaru Impreza). We are promised at least further improvements next flight, especially in the tires. However, it will have to wait a bit to be completely reassured about it, although Turn 10 has already amply demonstrated his mastery in this field.

Forza Motorsport 4

Last point made during this presentation: the online game, which will offer a particular Rivals mode where you can challenge a friend, even when it is offline. We then face the ghost, and if we manage to beat his time, he will in turn be asked to do the same. A ranking system is still expected, as the Car Clubs. They allow up to 100 players to share the same garage, online and offline. Great news, but beware: it will be part of only one Car Club at a time. Online shopping will also spend 8 to 16 players, while in solo, up to 12 cars will line up on the starting grid. And if I. A. was a bit transparent in this demo, wait of course a more advanced version of the game to tell. As for the solo career, little information has filtered to the point, except that it will not resume the schedule for Forza 3. Instead, we are promised a less linear, with a world map on which one can choose his trials. To taste, it was not until October 11 release date for Forza Motorsport 4, while monthly DLC is already planned. Necessarily.

Forza Motorsport 4

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