A year ago, she was the one who had to smile again handheld market. Since then, Nintendo 3DS was released in U.S., but its success has perhaps not been as dazzling as expected.

Line-up without relief, high price, exit out of season ... the reasons are not lacking. Still, with 160,000 consoles sold in 13 weeks *, the young cell has yet to prove itself, especially for conquering the public. While the IDEF, where distributors and publishers are hot date this week, no one displays his concern.
Released March 25 at home, the new Nintendo handheld is, indeed, expected at the turn: it is indeed the successor to the best-selling console of all time. More than 10 million DS in the U.S. have passed since its launch seven years ago. An all time high, especially since the laptop is still operated by Nintendo: GfK and would provide new DS sold 800,000 in 2011. "It's as much as a PS2 in third grade," recalls Stephan Bole, the general manager of Nintendo U.S..
And to recognize that the amazing endurance of his old laptop, requinquée after outbound Pokemon - Black Version and White (500,000 sales in three months!), Could be "a challenge" for the young 3DS. But nothing to cause panic in the aisles of IDEF placid, where distributors and publishers have maintained ties to the closet for three days.
this is already been good
Asked about his stand IDEF, between appointments, Stephan Bole has obviously been honed his speech. "We must put things into perspective," he began, as we mentioned "a little disappointed." "It's a little less than expected, but more than the DS at launch." Rather than the price of the console, considered "high end" by many observers, it is the lack of killer-app that would have failed the new 3DS. "This is the first time you leave a console without a headline first-party," said Nintendo, who preferred to leave the launch window (three months) to publishers. "Some have good use, as Capcom," says the console makers. 40,000 pieces of Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition are indeed parts - a four game consoles sold. And the others?
Direction Ubisoft's booth, a little further. With five games in the line-up of the console, the publisher American is the most loyal partner of 3DS. "We were in line with Nintendo on their ambitions," said marketing director at Ubisoft U.S., Bénédicte Germain, who concedes nonetheless that sales targets are not met. Sega, however, was also present at the launch of the 3DS with Super Monkey Ball 3D. "We learned in perspective," said the Director General along U.S. James Rebours. "For a console released in March, this price is already good." And then he slipped, "the trend" is good.
Example Zelda
The trend in fact, these are 45,000 copies of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D sold in just two weeks (estimate provided by Nintendo). Released June 17, the first headline first-party console has already convinced the publishers that Nintendo can not be sold without a Nintendo game. Stephan Bole said that the tie ratio (number of games sold per console) in 3DS, rather weak, would have doubled after the broadcast of the game "We are first in 15 days, all media," comments the head of Nintendo U.S.. And weekly sales of consoles 3DS, they, accelerating past 10 days.
It took until the release of first-party game to reassure ... third party publishers. And paradoxical as it may seem, all have been waiting to see the following console take off. Expected departure from the end of the year: StarFox 64 3D, Super Mario, Mario Kart 3DS, Luigi's Mansion 2, or Kid Icarus Uprising.
"Do not underestimate the clout of Nintendo at the end of the year," warns the director of marketing for Electronic Arts U.S., Hugues Ouvrard. "It was not until Christmas to see the true potential of 3DS," Judge said. Her colleague Bénédicte Germain, Ubisoft, appears even more categorical: "Everything will change with the Nintendo license."
Despite the smooth start of 3DS, faith in the locomotive Nintendo has not blunted in three months. "If a lot of partners have come to the E3 with questions," admits Stephan Bole, "We gave them the answers they wanted." In essence, as was the case on DS: Mario room.

Line-up without relief, high price, exit out of season ... the reasons are not lacking. Still, with 160,000 consoles sold in 13 weeks *, the young cell has yet to prove itself, especially for conquering the public. While the IDEF, where distributors and publishers are hot date this week, no one displays his concern.
Released March 25 at home, the new Nintendo handheld is, indeed, expected at the turn: it is indeed the successor to the best-selling console of all time. More than 10 million DS in the U.S. have passed since its launch seven years ago. An all time high, especially since the laptop is still operated by Nintendo: GfK and would provide new DS sold 800,000 in 2011. "It's as much as a PS2 in third grade," recalls Stephan Bole, the general manager of Nintendo U.S..
And to recognize that the amazing endurance of his old laptop, requinquée after outbound Pokemon - Black Version and White (500,000 sales in three months!), Could be "a challenge" for the young 3DS. But nothing to cause panic in the aisles of IDEF placid, where distributors and publishers have maintained ties to the closet for three days.
this is already been good
Asked about his stand IDEF, between appointments, Stephan Bole has obviously been honed his speech. "We must put things into perspective," he began, as we mentioned "a little disappointed." "It's a little less than expected, but more than the DS at launch." Rather than the price of the console, considered "high end" by many observers, it is the lack of killer-app that would have failed the new 3DS. "This is the first time you leave a console without a headline first-party," said Nintendo, who preferred to leave the launch window (three months) to publishers. "Some have good use, as Capcom," says the console makers. 40,000 pieces of Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition are indeed parts - a four game consoles sold. And the others?
Direction Ubisoft's booth, a little further. With five games in the line-up of the console, the publisher American is the most loyal partner of 3DS. "We were in line with Nintendo on their ambitions," said marketing director at Ubisoft U.S., Bénédicte Germain, who concedes nonetheless that sales targets are not met. Sega, however, was also present at the launch of the 3DS with Super Monkey Ball 3D. "We learned in perspective," said the Director General along U.S. James Rebours. "For a console released in March, this price is already good." And then he slipped, "the trend" is good.
Example Zelda
The trend in fact, these are 45,000 copies of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D sold in just two weeks (estimate provided by Nintendo). Released June 17, the first headline first-party console has already convinced the publishers that Nintendo can not be sold without a Nintendo game. Stephan Bole said that the tie ratio (number of games sold per console) in 3DS, rather weak, would have doubled after the broadcast of the game "We are first in 15 days, all media," comments the head of Nintendo U.S.. And weekly sales of consoles 3DS, they, accelerating past 10 days.
It took until the release of first-party game to reassure ... third party publishers. And paradoxical as it may seem, all have been waiting to see the following console take off. Expected departure from the end of the year: StarFox 64 3D, Super Mario, Mario Kart 3DS, Luigi's Mansion 2, or Kid Icarus Uprising.
"Do not underestimate the clout of Nintendo at the end of the year," warns the director of marketing for Electronic Arts U.S., Hugues Ouvrard. "It was not until Christmas to see the true potential of 3DS," Judge said. Her colleague Bénédicte Germain, Ubisoft, appears even more categorical: "Everything will change with the Nintendo license."
Despite the smooth start of 3DS, faith in the locomotive Nintendo has not blunted in three months. "If a lot of partners have come to the E3 with questions," admits Stephan Bole, "We gave them the answers they wanted." In essence, as was the case on DS: Mario room.
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