Monday, February 20, 2012


What is the VoD?

 (VoD) or Video on Demand , or video session (legal definition of audiovisual media service request), often abbreviated in Europe, is a scattering technique of digital video content bidirectional (interactive ) offered or sold by the cable networks like the Internet, networks or unwired, as the third generation telephony.

Video on demand is growing from the early 2000s following the explosion of broadband access available to individuals. The principle based on a unicast, is a logical evolution of broadcast technology, style pay-per-view (PPV). More flexible for customers, which are freed of broadcasting time, this technology is in return for more resource-intensive network. This explains that its development is closely linked to the increase in network bandwidth.

Description of VoD

 By using a digital decoder or from a computer, the user can order movies or TV shows which are stored on servers. The user has a predetermined rental period (usually 24 hours) for the film or program that he ordered and with his remote control he has the same functions as a VCR, including pause, advance or rewind.

These contents are typically paid, billed individually or through packages.

For example, a commercial site of VOD can rent or buy videos like cartoons, feature films and a content called "adult" for an adult audience.

Technical of VoD

 The use of VOD can be done on any system that could access to videos of continuous play (in "streaming") and view them. Originally accessible only by PC users, we are seeing the beginning of the XXIst century the proliferation of specialized tools accepting this type of service:

the media center, multimedia systems that are "living room" designed to bring together the various existing systems: DVD drive, decoder / radio tuner / satellite TV, MP3 player, digital video recorder. They have the characteristics of multimedia PC, with better ergonomics.
3G compatible phones, which are hybrids between a normal phone and PDA access to broadband networks (such as UMTS in Europe), 'big screen, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/WLAN access to the internet connection and to multimedia devices, operating system supporting media players.
game consoles of the seventh generation, which fit for the functionality of a Media Center: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 are some examples.

The video on demand is also used internally in communal areas (companies, hospitals, prisons, hotels etc..). This technique allows a user to watch a movie on a computer or TV (via a set top box) connected to the computer network of the place. This may also allow the configuration to watch live television channels and pause playback to resume this later at the precise location of the pause (time shifting).

Application software level, a number of media players are paid or free, depending on the operating system, and requested features. An important feature is the Digital Rights Management (DRM) content in the non-royalty free, this system associated with players such as Windows Media Player or Divx Player  helps ensure copyright compliance. This system works with digital formats and proprietary encryption such as Windows Media Video or DivX. This system may, for example to limit copying or viewing on multiple machines, and is used by organizations of content delivery charge.

Concerning methods of dissemination, there are two operating modes:

 Video on Demand

pull mode: the system for viewing a video stream bed on a remote server, this is also called streaming.

push mode: the download of the video is done on a storage medium (hard disk).

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